Website Development Questionnaire - FUNCTIONALITY This section of the questionnaire will address the Functionality of your new website! Step 1 of 5 20% Name* First Last Email* Approximately how many pages do you think your site will need?*Do you need any password protected areas?* Yes No If Yes, why would you need to have password protected areas?* I want a private area for just my company and employees I want a private area for specific pages on my sites for clients/customers/patients. I want a Paid or Free Membership area for private courses or training. For a Membership Site, does this need to be integrated into the initial launch of the website, or would it be added later?* Launch Later Site Features: What features do you think your website should include?* Calendar Private Login Area Price Comparison Chart Contact Form Community Forum Live Chat Ability Call Tracking System or Phone Numbers None Listed Here Not Sure Please check all that apply.Please List The Feature to be included in 1st column and the goal of that feature in the 2nd column.FeatureWhat should this feature accomplish for you? For each feature, please state the goal of said feature. Use the + icon to add rows for additional information.Is there any specific functionality you need?* Yes No Please describe the specific functionality you need:*Use as much info and detail as possible. How familiar are you with web usability studies?* I'm an Expert! Very Familiar Familiar Slightly Familiar I've got no idea Please select only one option.Do you anticipate that your target audience or typical web visitor will have any special needs?* Yes No Special Needs could be Language Translation, Eyesight, Mobility, Reading Level. Site Features: What features do you think your website should include?* Language Eyesight Mobility Reading Level Other Please check all that apply. Do you need the website to tie into any particular 3rd party applications? Yes No Please indicate if there are any existing third party applications that would need to integrate with the website. Examples could be Facebook Like Boxes, a Live Chat feature on your current site, Calculators, Surveys, Quizzes, etc.Please list any and all 3rd party Applications below: Use the + icon to add rows to enter more information. How Often Do You Anticipate To Need To Update, Edit or Alter Your Website After It is Launched?* Daily 3-5 times per week Weekly Every Other Week Montlhly Quarterly 2 times per year Annually Occasionally and Random, when needed. Please choose one option.Will you want or need help in making those changes?* Yes No If Yes, would you need help routinely?* Yes No I think FUNCTIONALITY section of the Website Development Questionnaire is comprehensive, effective, and efficient.*Any Additional Comments or Feedback you'd like to Offer?*We'd like to make this process as simple and as easy as possible. Please let us know how you think we can improve this questionnaire process! Or inform us of any questions you have about your site. Δ