Then you ARE losing business to the competition. In any financial transaction, the consumer understands there is risk involved. Your company's marketing should always try to identify these risks in advance, so you can reduce the level of perceived risk for your prospective client/customer/patient.
Testimonials are SOCIAL PROOF that your company provides quality products and/or services, which fosters goodwill, trust, and credibility.
The SECRET is HOW you acquire and create those testimonials, and depends on WHAT SPECIFIC ACTION you want your prospect to take when visiting your site.
If you wish to maximize your conversion rate, your business will NEED testimonials. We can either consult with you on how to do this as a part of your website development, or we can even provide this as an additional service.
This is just one reason why your decision to invest in our company to develop your website is a wise one! It's not just website development you purchased, but marketing and conversion strategy!